GO Trip Application




Welcome to the first step of a life changing short term missions experience (GO Trip). Help us get to know you!

Please fill in all sections of the Application Form clearly. By providing your complete information, you allow us to ensure your optimal experience in this opportunity that will change your life!

For any questions or concerns, please contact ShareWord Global by emailing goteam@sharewordglobal.com.



Under exceptional circumstances, where permission to participate is granted by SWG for someone under the age of majority in their respective province, the parent/legal guardian will need to be available to complete additional paperwork on your behalf as part of the application and consent process.



If you are currently not a member of ShareWord Global, upon successful completion of the GO Trip, you may be invited by our Membership Services team to consider the membership process at no obligation.

Personal Information

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Emergency Contact Information

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Your emergency contact person cannot be a person who is going on the trip with you.
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Travel Information

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Please select a valid date for your trip

Please select a valid date for your trip

Please select a valid date for your trip

Please select a valid date for your trip

Please select a valid date for your trip

At this time, only applicants from Brazil are eligible to apply for this GO Trip.

At this time, only applicants from the United States or Brazil are eligible to apply for this GO Trip.



  • A passport valid for 6-months post travel is mandatory for participation on a GO Trip
  • To obtain a passport, download an online application at www.pptc.gc.ca, or visit your local passport office
  • Please apply for your passport as soon as possible in case of a delay


NOTE: When visas are required, ShareWord Global trip participants will be personally responsible for taking the necessary steps, and payments, to acquire such visa(s). Requirements are dependent on your citizenship. VisaHQ is a helpful resource in learning about the requirements you will need to follow https://cibtvisas.ca/).

Medical Information

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Canadian participants must have a valid OHIP number/card in order to be eligible for travel insurance. Non-Canadian participants will be sent additional information by our administration, on how to obtain required travel insurance for the purpose of the GO Trip.

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Medical Conditions

International ministry experiences can be rigorous. Conditions below marked with a tilde~ may require further medical documentation from a doctor, in addition to the mandatory Medical Release Form required to participate on the respective GO Trip.

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All participants, regardless of age, are required to handle and administer their own medications for the duration of the trip. Leaders are made aware of your disclosed medical information for emergency purposes only.

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Allergies, Accessibility and Vaccinations

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If you have a life-threatening allergy, it is recommended you carry an Epi-Pen and wear a Medic-Alert bracelet. Be sure to bring all necessary medications for the duration of the trip and have them stored in original containers if possible.

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Mild: rash or hives, localized itching, runny nose, watery/red eyes, etc. mild allergic reactions may include local symptoms that do not spread to other parts of the body.

Moderate: wide-spread itching, difficulty breathing, hives, swelling, abdominal pain, etc. Moderate allergic reactions CAN spread to others parts of the body.

Severe: life-threatening, itching of eyes/face, varying degrees of swelling of the mouth, throat, and tongue that can make breathing and swallowing difficult, mental confusion or dizziness, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Life-threatening reactions affect the whole body.


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Note: Please be aware that in-country hosts cannot guarantee that all disclosed dietary restrictions of participants can be met. Therefore, it is recommended and expected that you personally pack snacks, supplements, etc. in your luggage as appropriate, to meet your unique dietary needs.


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  • If accepted for the trip, you are responsible for visiting your own authorized travel clinic to receive any necessary vaccinations. You must indicate to the travel doctor/nurse the city (or cities) and country you will be traveling within
  • For more information, please visit the Public Health Agency of Canada at www.canada.ca/en/public-health.html
  • ShareWord Global will require you to provide proof of vaccinations (or a doctor’s note of exemption) where required by the country of entry or by the government of Canada travel advisories. For advisory information visit: www.travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories


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Criminal Records Check

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Assault and abuse issues are important in our society today. During this short-term team’s work, we may be placed in positions of responsibility for children and other vulnerable members of society. We ask everyone who applies to answer the following questions:

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If over the age of majority, I hereby authorize ShareWord Global to ask for a Criminal Records Check that includes a Vulnerable Sector Search (or a "pardoned sexual offences" search) along with this application.

Your Story

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A GO Trip experience is one of God's tools for developing personal and spiritual transformation. These questions are designed to help you reflect on your thoughts about God and your spiritual and personal journey. These questions help us to discern whether this is the best ministry opportunity for you at this time.

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Compliance with the Standard of Conduct of ShareWord Global

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Compliance with ShareWord Global Agreements:    Standard of Conduct, Statement of Faith, GO Team Covenant, and Retention of Information and Applicant Privacy

Members of ShareWord Global are required to adhere to the Standard of Conduct, as described in Article 6.01 (c) of the current Operating By-Law (General Operating By-Law #3, adopted August 13, 2016). 

Those accepted to participate in a Global Outreach Trip will be expected to adhere to this Standard of Conduct  and Statement of Faith, whether or not they are official Members of ShareWord Global.

The Standard of Conduct and Statement of Faith are reproduced below for review and consideration.



ShareWord Global holds that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. Our membership is composed of believers who desire to glorify God by enjoying and serving Him with their lives. As such, we commit to forsake what the Scripture describes as sin and embrace what the Scripture describes as obedience. We believe that the grace of God saved us, sustains us, and teaches us to increasingly forsake our sin and love our Saviour. (Titus 2)



1.         We commit to share the gospel as thankful recipients of God’s saving grace. (Ephesians 2:10, 2 Corinthians 5:17-22)

2.         We commit to exhibit love, patience, self-control & care for others (2 Peter 1:5-7, 1 Timothy 1)

3.         We commit to lives of sexual purity as defined in Scripture. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:8-10)

4.         We commit to use our gifts to encourage others (1 Peter 4:10-11, Romans 12:6-8)

5.         We commit to be people of prayer, confident hope & honour (Romans 12:10-13)



ShareWord Global rejects the following conduct, viewing it as being incompatible with Christian standards and values for a personal lifestyle of anyone serving with ShareWord Global. Members of ShareWord Global are expected to refrain from the following types of conduct:

1.         Breach of trust or confidence (Matthew 5:37, 19:18; Philippians 4:8; 1 John 3:3)

2.         Lying or deceit (Matthew 5:37, 19:19; Ephesians 4:25,29)

3.         Sexual relationships that contradict the teachings of Scripture (Leviticus 18; Hebrews 13:4; Exodus 20:14; 

       Matthew 5:27-32, 19:9; 1 Corinthians 5:1-2,9-13; Ephesians 5:3-5; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8)

4.         Sexual assault/harassment (Leviticus 18; Philippians 4:8; 1 Timothy 5:22; 1 John 3:3)

5.         Physical aggression (Leviticus 18; Philippians 4:8; 1 Timothy 5:22; 1 John 3:3)

6.         Abusive behavior (Leviticus 18; Philippians 4:8; 1 Timothy 5:22; 1 John 3:3)

7.         Use of illicit drugs or recreational marijuana (Cannabis) (Philippians 4:8; 1 Timothy 5:22; 1 John 3:3)

8.         Theft or fraud (Exodus 20:15,17; Matthew 5:37)

9.         Reading or viewing of pornographic material (Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:5; 1 John 3:3)

10.       Criminal activity (Exodus 20:12-17; Matthew 5:37; 1 John 3:3)

11.       Abuse of alcohol or prescription drugs (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Philippians 4:8; 1 John 3:3)



 Members of ShareWord Global are to use their gifts and talents in specific areas that will serve the ministry’s needs, including:

  • Participating as engaged members in representing and carrying out the ministry of ShareWord Global in their community
  • Providing leadership in local, area, and national roles
  • Distributing God’s Word in approved venues locally, nationally, and internationally
  • Building ministry relationships with local churches, including using Scripture distribution to assist them in their community outreach
  • Praying daily for the ministry of ShareWord Global, particularly for witnessing opportunities
  • Contributing personal financial support for the ministry of ShareWord Global through membership dues and gifts that expand outreach opportunities to the unsaved
  • Assisting in the development of financial support for the ministry of ShareWord Global through approved venues and the supportive business community
  • Presenting the ministry at local churches and Christian organizations to report on how God’s Word is changing lives and to demonstrate the ministry’s stewardship of its resources


While a member is not expected to be actively involved in all the actions listed above, failure to be involved in any of them would breach the intent of this Standard of Conduct.



Members of ShareWord Global are expected to self-monitor their alignment with this Standard of Conduct. While different church groups may apply differing criteria relating to areas of Christian lifestyle (according to their own particular theological biases), ShareWord Global members should be identifiable as exemplary followers of Jesus Christ. They will practice personal spiritual disciplines that enhance their own relationship with God and make them effective as a member of an association whose primary purpose is reaching lost people with the gospel message. Their relationship with the Christian community at large should be a positive one.

In instances where a member of ShareWord Global seems to be straying from the intent of this Standard of Conduct with no evidence of personal self-correction, then it is appropriate for the local chapter members to step forward and support the member towards compliance. If, for example, a member of a local chapter exhibits behaviour unbecoming of a ShareWord Global member, the local chapter member(s) should gently yet firmly with the erring member, urging that individual to align with the intent of the Standard of Conduct.

If the local chapter is unable to bring the member into alignment with the Standard of Conduct, they must engage the Area Board. If further resolution is needed, the matter can then be brought to the National Board of Directors.


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We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Bible as the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God in the original manuscripts.

We believe that man was created in the image of God; that he sinned, and thereby incurred, not only physical death, but also spiritual death which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility are sinners in thought, word and deed, and that all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are justified on the merit of His shed blood.

We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God and that He was born of the virgin Mary and that He died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a sole and sufficient substitutionary sacrifice; that He was buried and rose again the third day; that He ascended into heaven and that He now lives there for us, as our High Priest and only Advocate and that He will

personally come again; that our salvation is secured exclusively and completely by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone; and that we can neither add to nor subtract from Christ’s atoning work for us.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, and the eternal blessedness of the saved while the unsaved suffer eternal separation from God (Dan 12:1-2, Mk 9:42-48, Matt 18:6-9, 25:31-46, 2 Thess 1:5-10, Jude 7, Rev 14:9-11, 20:10, 14-15)


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As a GO Team member, I commit to being a faithful witness of Jesus Christ in all areas of my life, ensuring my relationship with Him is given priority. I recognize that this GO trip began the day I was accepted, and extends into my return home.

During this entire time, I will:

#1—RADIATE JOY. I understand that there will be hard days on this trip where my feelings and fatigue may overwhelm me. In those times, I will turn my focus back onto God and His word and remember that “…He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”  

I will let the authentic joy and gratitude that comes with being Christ’s child lead my feelings and attitude so that the missional goals will not be overshadowed. I recognize this is not only for my own benefit, but primarily the benefit of those I have been entrusted to serve. I will strive to leave every person I encounter on this trip with a smile on their face. 

#2—PROTECT OTHERS AND MYSELF. I understand that we live in a sinful world that requires me to act wisely and stay alert at all times, especially in the field and in transit. I commit to reading and listening to the safety and media advice offered by SWG throughout the course of the trip. 

I also recognize the authority my GO Trip and ministry leaders have over me for my personal wellbeing, as they have committed to mitigating risk on my behalf. Therefore, I will follow their instruction and leadership in all trip related matters such as safety, accommodation, social media usage, interactions within the team, and with the public.

In the spirit of exhibiting love, patience, self-control, and care for others, I also hold myself accountable to doing my own research when it comes to protecting myself and others. I will never use abusive language, action, or coercion, and I will continue to abstain from illicit or recreational drugs and abuse of alcohol/prescription drugs as I stated with my application. I recognize that when in the actual field, alcohol use specifically is prohibited for all SWG representatives, including me.

#3—KEEP IT CLEAN. I commit to personally abide by what the Scriptures tell us when it comes to sexuality and relationships. While on the trip, I commit that I will not engage in any sort of romantic relationship outside the confines of marriage. In addition, I agree to dress modestly and in a way that will honour God, me, and all those around me. (This applies to everyone.) I agree that in an unmarried context, no person should be left alone with a member of the opposite sex, and no one should be left alone with a minor. A third person should always be present to witness my interactions with others.

#4—BUILD TEAM MUSCLE. I understand that as an SWG representative, my focus is on building relationships through evangelism—not simply handing out Scriptures. Therefore, I will treat everyone I meet with the same honour that we undeservedly received through Christ on the cross. Christ never treated us like a number but instead a name—and I will do the same. This means respecting the host culture to the best of my ability using the skills and knowledge I have and will learn along the way through my GO Trip training.

I recognize that my team is not just my fellow travellers, but also the global church I am serving alongside. I will at all times agree to have open and honest communication with all of my teammates. And in times of dispute or disagreement, I will strive to remember Christ’s ultimate act of reconciliation and forgiveness through the cross (2 Corinthians 5:17-22) and model my attitude and behaviour according to His example.

I commit to using my personal skills in a way that compliments my teammates and builds them up (1 Peter 4:10-11). I will make it my goal to be an evangelist in everything I do, think, and say. In the spirit of collaboration and reconciliation, I expect my GO Trip leaders and GO teammates to hold me accountable for my actions in all stages of the trip.

#5—BE HONEST. I commit that I am entering into this mission trip with no personal agendas. I will let the gospel be the only free gift I give out in the field, and that I will not supplement it with other items (i.e. candy, toys, money, jewelry, etc.) or denominational-based theological views that could create unintentional negative consequences for a recipient in the host culture.

Finally, I recognize that GO Trip relationships are built on trust. Therefore, I will be a trustworthy person who accepts and tells the truth with Christlike gentleness—even when it is difficult. I will be a person of gospel centred integrity throughout the entire GO Trip journey—whether it be fundraising, submitting paperwork, team building, completing learning exercises, Scripture reading, prayer, evangelizing, or planning future ministry opportunities.




If I am selected for the team, I will make every effort to:

  • Be other-centered, cooperative and submit personal desires and preferences (privacy, food, dress, etc.) to standards of the host
  • Follow and adhere all policies and procedures as presented by my team leader(s)
  • Be committed to fully complete pre-trip training requirements, debriefs and re-entry evaluations
  • Be willing to represent the ministry of ShareWord Global and advocate on behalf of the people we serve on the trip


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ShareWord Global, respects your privacy and takes every reasonable effort to protect your personal information.  By filling in the designated fields below, you are authorizing ShareWord Global, its designated representatives (i.e. volunteers), and its associated third-party providers to gather, disclose, use, and retain the information you have submitted in this application and any subsequent documentation obtained as a result of this application.  This authorization will extend to all parties, for the purposes involved with determining and completing GO Trip member eligibility, preparation, travel, and any post trip ministry follow up requirements.  Any applicant passport information will be retained by ShareWord Global to the extent it is deemed necessary and/or valid.  All other information the applicant provides during the course of the proceedings as outlined above will be securely retained for historical record keeping and used only for any mutually agreed upon pursuant ShareWord Global related activity.

Any information released to and used by representatives of ShareWord Global (i.e. trip leaders) and associated third parties will extend only to what is necessary to provide their services for the purposes of the GO Trip and will be governed by their agreements with ShareWord Global. 

If you have not already done so, please read over and review our organizational Privacy Policy as it is written:

If you do not authorize your information to be used as outlined in the aforementioned policy, please cease proceeding with this application and contact us with any resulting questions you may have.


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I AFFIRM that all information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge   by signing below, I am agreeing to this application (and its accompanying policies) entirely of my own free will. I understand that by not signing, I am willingly withdrawing my application at this time. 

I understand that to falsify information is grounds for ineligibility to participate in a GO Trip, or for disqualification should I be accepted. 

I authorize any person, organization or company listed on this application to furnish you any and all information concerning my character and qualifications for the purpose of determining my suitability to participate in the GO Trip. I also authorize you to request and receive such information. 

In consideration of my acceptance for participation, I agree to abide by the standards and expectations of the TGIG|SWG (the association).


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Contact Us

Email: info@sharewordglobal.com
Telephone: 519.823.1140
Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253

Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
9:00am-4:30pm ET


Full Contact Information



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